Why Cloud Services
Cloud Migration



What is The Cloud

Simply put, cloud services refers a wide range of applications delivered on demand to businesses over the internet. These services are designed to provide easy, affordable access to a number of resources without the need for internal storage devices. From checking email to collaborating on documents, most businesses use cloud services throughout the workday, whether they are aware of it or not. Medium and large businesses are embracing this “cloud” technology as a new way of doing business.

The cloud makes it possible for people to access services from any location with an internet connection, while mobile devices provide them with constant connectivity everywhere they go.




Benefits of The Cloud

The benefits of moving your small business to the cloud are:

  • Flexible access to business data and applications from anywhere at any time on any device
  • Cheaper than hosting servers in house thus reducing costs
  • No need to hire onsite IT staff support
  • Efficiency- easy collaboration and ability to reduce number of software needed to do business
  • Safer from cyberthreats
  • Flexibility and Scalability (customized products based on business needs)
  • Eliminates risk of data loss (backup, disaster recovery)




Your Business in The Cloud

Small businesses are discovering that cloud services can help their workforce collaborate better and be more efficient. Employees can sync up in videos or web conferences on the fly, keep in touch throughout the workday via enterprise messaging, or host webinars for prospective clients, all from wherever they may be located.

If you find that these features are essential for creating a digital office in your small business, crITyr Solutions can help migrate your business to the cloud.